Monday, April 14, 2008

Anthony Hall is more patriotic than all of the Sun combined. He is a person who reports with his heart and he sincerely respects and cares for the Turks and Caicos Islands. I mean come on…Where have we lost it? A democracy should at least have the freedom of press and freedom of speech. Have we forgotten that?

A lot of what is published in the Sun is annoying and terrible. To me the Sun man is just giving his opinion because I could say the same thing about his paper. Anthony’s scripts are well written and grammatically correct. I can’t say that about the Sun’s web edition. Sad to say also, that, Anthony’s web layout is more professional than the Sun’s. It has Web 2.0 RSS features, the CSS and server side scripting renders in both major browsers: Mozilla and Microsoft. Again, that cannot be said about the Sun–and that is annoying. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but ASP does not necessarily render in Mozilla natively. In slight digression: The Free Press’ website has been hacked a long time ago. I don’t think they are even aware of it. I don’t know if they are using a ZOOPS, Mambo, or PHP NUKE type web community application, but what ever it is it has been compromised-and that is annoying too!

So, Annoying is solely an opinion whomever he is. We know where Anthony was born and we know from his writings that he is not biased. When Mike was, “elected,” Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands, Anthony openly congratulated Mike on his website. That made the PDM party really upset.

Lastly, you name just come here. Anthony Hall name been here. His soul is tied to this place. What can we say of you?

Know your place!
I’m out…

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Don't worry about the Sun too much. They have really poor journalistic skills. If you track the text on their site and contrast it with actual events you will discover that a lot of theri publishings have a somewhat propaganda directive. Furthermore, it's not truly a patriotic paper so their perspectives typically steer far away from us.

A commission will be the doing of the, "Heavies," if you will. That way the FCO, and the kind spirited but compromised Queen's official stamp will be ushered to the sideline. In that regard the over zealous childish leaders will wait to discover their legal fate.

We love our country. The economic perspective of Dubai and the TCI are incomparable in any regard. Our leaders are poor--in every aspect--so they scramble for the crumbs from the tables of these comfortably rich individuals and governments around the world. I am not playing devil's advocate here, but what if? What if there is a man-made island in the making? What if it can be proven that this development would not affect our corals in any way? Would we still be upset and angry? In truth, how many of us have the expertise to really analyze the dredging to a degree where we can conclude whether or not it will damage our corals? That's right! Nil.

Sad to say this, however, our efforts must lead us to produce funding that could sponsor an independent professional organization that could thoroughly investigate this matter on our behalf. That's when we will be playing hardball with the government. That's when we could take our findings to the world and truly prove whether or not this alleged island will destroy our reef.

We need to raise some loot!
To my people of the Turks and Caicos Islands, let us stand united and refute the subtleties of oppression, fear, and manipulation from our government. Although we know, within our hearts, of the depth of their corruption, some of us have been ensnared by their promises and illegal givings and have become afflicted. A free conscience has no fear nor does it position itself to accept victimization unjustly.

The Turks and Caicos Sun can be likened to a Judas in our midsts. Upon reading the text--that attempted to persuade the public that there would be no commission of inquiry, nor was there a prospect for one--another revelation of the unbridled impulsive melancholy devices used to spread propaganda by these space occupants was revealed.

The promise of hope has been eroded by fear. Yet, still we seem to the world, to have the political psychological dexterity of children trying to get the attention of the cool crowd, or

simply just fit in with Hollywood losers. The real geopolitical powers do not consider us true politic entities because we are sincerely fascinated with immature aesthetics like cars money, and the game life.

As for me? Freedom is my only choice. My voice and my spirit can never be quelled by the spells of ignorant and flagrant men who sacrifice the futures of innocent people and succumb to greed and undeserved earnings.

The poison has penetrated even the biggest of the religious mouthes at home. Some of the prominent spiritual leaders who once displayed so much promise, have given into the lust of money and adopted the manipulative characteristics of our simple minded political leaders while they spew petty subtleties of island segregative philosophies from the pulpit. Shame on us!

Alas, our hope lies within the British to assist us out of our mess. Hopefully, the demonic deeds of the political bandits and puppy dogs can be revealed for the entire world to see. Hopefully shame and grief will befall them so that we will know they are yet human alike. In

these manifestations we may find pardon for their contrition. Yet, the political reins should never be theirs ever again, for we value our welfare too greatly.

Finally, I must say that I am familiar with the vindictive antics of the shallow political hearts at home. However, I brazenly pronounce my fearlessness before them. I have been raised to fear no evil, for God walks beside me always. The fear of death is nothing compare to the fear of bondage while breathing.

My people, let the good of your hearts lead you. Our country is not a playground. We have a role to play in the world community and our leaders do not have the vision. Let us stand united and rescue ourselves. If he considers you a traitor for telling the truth may God help

his soul. The foul antics of dictatorship will soon be arrested! Stand in FREEDOM Turks and Caicos Islands.


Errol Talbot