Monday, July 14, 2008

Objectivity VS "Smearing"

As a citizen of the Turks and Caicos Islands, (TCI), I find it necessary to add to the momentum of freedom that is finally beginning to resurface. I hear opinions from people who both approve and oppose the inquiry. What I find fascinating is that the typical attitudes of people who approve the inquiry are that it should help restore civil order and give the just a chance to exonerate themselves.

People who object, typically proclaim that it is bad for the country politically. A significant amount of objections are--sometimes in conjunction with the former--that this is an attempt by the Peoples Democratic Movement, (PDM), to smear the Progressive National Party, (PNP), and perhaps influence people to vote for them. I have also heard some people blame Anthony Hall for this inquiry. Since it is possible to argue about this all day, it is necessary to establish a belief system about this inquiry as it goes forward.I will apply my own understanding to the terms Objectivity and Smearing.

The ability to accept and practice the principle that others have the right to expression as oneself does.

Smearing is a deliberate attempt to discredit someone by means of distorting events and facts to his demise.

Floyd Hall (FH)--Deputy Premier (DP), has made reference that the Foreign Affairs Committee's, (FAC), report that recommended a Commission of Inquiry (COI), portrayed the PNP as a Sodom and Gomorrah government. I interpreted him as saying that the FAC was smearing the PNP. However, was it really?

FH never realized the potential of the opportunity at hand when he made those remarks. He could have shown some objectivity and said that even though he thought it was a smear attempt by the FAC--at least give Sir Stanley some credit man--and the PDM they are open to an inquiry as it reinforces good governance and transparency. Would he have been selling the country out? No, because the inquiry was inevitable and he would appear a man without burden.

We have heard dissent towards the COI from some prominent figures within the PNP ranks--Washington Misick and his brother Michael Misick--whose stature seems to have rescinded significantly. Most of their statements lack objectivity and are presented against the backdrop that the FAC/PDM is attempting to smear them in their quest for power. Are they behaving rationally? Do they not sound paranoid?

Floyd Seymour (FS), leader of the Opposition, has accepted the inquiry and spoke as a man who seems to have a clear state. He seemed more objective--to me--given the dilemma we face. Yes, dilemma is correct. For We accept an inquiry not on the basis of subjectivity but out of necessity--if not desperation. An inquiry from Her Majesty's Government (HMG), gives a negative political connotation to the world about TCI--by the way The Queen, represented by His Exellency (HE), the Governor, is the Head of State, not Mike.

However, for some, things can get no worst. And, it is fitting for me to say, objectively, that things could not be any better for others. While some of us live in fear from our government's behavior, others from this same country find it strange that people even use the words fear or suppression of press. There are two worlds within our community both of which deserves consideration and understanding.

Regardless of consideration or understanding, there exists a common ground. That is a record of the conscience and emotions. As humans we inherently know when we are being treated unfairly. So, we at least have this conscious base from which to discriminate and interpret the events that occur in our community. And, while something may be devastating to one group of people it may escape the consciences of another group.

This works well in the personal domain, but in public affairs it proves too naive. Thought management which eventually influence opinions/facts should be based on standards and not just emotions or personal convictions. In the public case this is the law and the statutes of governance. So for us to determine whether there was/is corruption we have to compare the ministers' deeds to governing guidelines and laws.

So, by refusing the PDM access to government funded media, has the PNP transgressed any laws or statues? Is a minister who issues large amounts of reserved land to religious affiliates, without duly process, in contravention of the law? Do ministers who use their newspapers to send messages of hate and fear to a select group of individuals, doing something that deserves prosecution? When a leader is accused of raping a tourist and assaulting fellow Ministers of Parliament (MP), is he doing the right thing by not removing himself from the Tourism and Policing portfolio and avoiding prosecution?

Is there anything wrong with an Attorney General, (AG), failing to prosecute a Premier because of stated friendship? Is there anything worthy of prosecution, if an AG accepts favors from a Premier that puts him in a position of compromise, or perhaps influential judgment? Should we even honor an AG with a disreputable record? Should we feel privy to allow him to execute policing authority over a COI? Should he be investigated?

How about a Police Commissioner (PC), who has failed to professionally handle rape charges against a Premier by not properly investigating the turning away of an American citizen filing the complaint? How about the controversial issues surrounding the PC's installation? How about his inability to solve some of the serious crimes in TCI? Can we really trust these people, the AG, and the PC? Could we expect anything authentic from them in a COI? Should they be removed and investigated?

What about the disappearances of a Premier in his dealings to sell off 80% of a pristine inhabited key with a valuable historical context to TCI? What about the questionable backgrounds of the people he has made the agreement with? How about the reports of these people intimidating and promising harm to residents on the key? How about the money he earns--comparable to the United States' President, the world's richest nation--is this viable for such a poor country? How about FH's involvement in the questionable health care removal from Canada to Cayman? Why Cayman--is he connected to Caymanian health care company?

And, what about the hospital deals and the Belize Bank scandals? Do we know who will own these hospitals? Do we care that the new state of the art hospital in Grand Turk will have significantly less beds than the present hospital? Do we know who is even financing these loans? Do we even know the exact loan amount? Should we care about the interest on these loans? How does Belize Bank get so entrenched in our politics? Has Belize bank been used to wash dirty money from drug affiliated countries? Why is Lord Ashcroft so implicated in Belize? Why is there an uproar in Belize that prompted protest even from MPs there about the 10 million of 20 million dollars that came from South America, then to Belize Bank in Belize as a grant, and then finally wired to Belize bank in TCI? Is there something worth finding out about the ministers' dealings here? Did Mike Misick really have talks with Hugo Chavez in North Caicos? Why? What were they discussing? How did Chavez get here? How did he leave? Did we pay for it? Is Chavez paying for our hospitals? Is he paying for anything that we use in TCI? Is it even ok to ask these questions? Are we smearing the PNP?

Is there any truth to the statements about a minister's wife gouging on ticket prices to America through her government approved travel agency? Is there anything here that deserves scrutiny and investigation? Could that be a significant contributing factor to the increased cost of overseas health care? Why would we need to switch from a 10 million dollar health care provider to a 30 million dollar health care provider that FH has connections with? Does it make sense to you?

How about the TCI bank and the many accounts that have been opened by questionable foreign people linked to drug trafficking and extortion, is there anything worth investigating there? Or is it just an attempt to smear one party? How about the sale of islands that occur without record or due process, is there anything wrong there? How about the issuances of land where ministers receive significant amounts of the sale price, is there anything wrong with that? How about people selling work permits and issuing to friends in contravention of policies, is there anything wrong with that?

There is no end to the complaints brought against this PNP government, it seems. Yet the head figures typically respond with personal attacks of accusations of being smeared for political gain by the PDM. There is hardly any objective reception on their part. It is time to focus on the true issues of accusations and present some answers not personal attacks. The fairness of accusing someone lies in giving that person a chance to respond. The PNP has a full plethora of mediums through which to channel their focused responses to the charges of corruption against them.

The truth is these people cannot handle objection. That is the first sign of dictatorship. Instead of arguing with facts they resort to personal attacks. It's so funny how they hate when people criticize them but they want to lead and be in office. Here is a secret for ya'll--public life comes with criticism. You should expect to be subjected to scrutiny and hate. It is nothing personal it is just a part of public life.

To all of ya'll ministers, we want the best for you and us together. We need good leadership. We need people we can trust to manage our resources. We do not wish to smear any of you. We only wish to have some civil order. Most of ya'll appear to be living it up at our expense. So we have decided to check it out ourselves. You cannot be mad at us for that. We know you all want the best for our country but we have to ensure that you give us the best.

A COI will not harm us if there is no corruption, as FH and the Premier has stated. At this point, let us give it a chance. We know you all are innocent so this COI will just be an opportunity to show the world that the government of TCI is not comparable to Sodom and Gomorrah. Furthermore, to our advantage, we can put more stuff in place to stop the PDM from smearing us.

Let me give ya'll a hint--especially you FH--If they accuse you all of stealing land make them show you which land you are being accused of--as the accused ya'll have a great advantage of the via negativa. Then you produce the documentation and financial records--in process of law--to prove that you are not a thief. See how simple it is? You can use it as a template--you know like in Word or Excel--and apply it to other situations where ya'll are charged. Tell the other ministers that too. It really is not that hard, since you seem to be at the helm now.

You guys are not victims, you are victors at this point. You have a chance to prove the FAC and the PDM wrong about the PNP and arrest their smearing attempts. So let us go to work and get our records in order because we know we did nothing wrong. When they accuse us we will not resort to personal attacks but we will maintain that we are innocent while we produce records to prove it. So, I have a prepared a statement for you, FH, that can make you seem less hostile and more objective the next time you find yourself on a very credible media outlet--let's say for example...ummm...the BBC?--again. You looked weak and stupid--you know that?

Here is what you should have said:

"We understand the process of a Commission of Inquiry and we are concerned about the negative political connotations it may portray globally. Therefore, as a transparent government we may not welcome it, but we certainly appreciate the opportunity to prove that we truly are a good government. I am confident there are no sources of corruption within the PNP administration and we are eager to show the inquiry this. We would also like to thank the Opposition and the people of TCI for holding us accountable as we have always embraced accountability as paramount to good governance."

See how nice that sound and you would not seem so agitated to objection. I know you can do it.

For those of us who know we understand what we see going on around us, and we know we have seen the oppression and affliction of what mr. FH himself describes as Sodom and Gomorrah, I leave with you my daily inspiration that was expressed by a man who knows unjust suffering better than us all, Job! In his moment of spiritual despair he objectively questions himself for encouragement, thus:

Job 14:7-9
For there is hope of a tree,
if it be cut down,
that it will sprout again,

and that the tender branch
thereof will not cease.

Though the root thereof wax old in earth
in the earth, and the stock thereof
die in the ground;
yet through the scent of water
it will bud
, and bring forth
boughs like a plant.

For us, the scent of water is objection and freedom!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Price of Freedom

For far too long we have had a cavalier approach to life. We here in TCI have been able to benefit from the freedoms
that America has provided for the Western Hemisphere. However, now we have lost the baby status with this profound
nation and we are no becoming a rouge affiliate. This comes with a tremendous amount of consequences as we drift
forward here in TCI.

The Americans, stood for freedom. It took blood and action. It took bravery and a fight to get to the years of freedom
we so well enjoy on the American heels. And, they have been graceful to us. They have assisted us in many economic
and social ways. And, for that we turn our backs to them while that are deeply entrenched in their war against terrorism.
TCI, but a mere baby has championed a course that alligns itself with Columbians, and Russians, just to name a few.

For us now the price of freedom has never been so great. We cannot expect the United States to protect us anymore
because we have told them ourselves we do not want their help and we do not wish to protect their citizens who travel to
TCI because we have welcomed the rogue alliance into our homes. So now, we have to fight for our own freedom. And, my
friends the cost will be great. We do not even know where to begin as Mike has controlled so much of us that we deem it
wrong if we even have thoughts of contradiction against his actions.

However, some of us are completely free of his affliction. We are going to have to stand up and fight. Our war may not
be that of the Americans. We may not need arms and advanced techniques of defense, but we will need to eyball this
man and tell him enough is enough. We are quiet because we fear what he may take away from us, our lil piece of land,
our children's scholarships, out lil low cost housing arrangement, or just end up on his wrong side. It will take a unified
fight for what we know is good and right because if we keep silent and do not fight back because we fear what he may
take away from us, we give him concent to take away so much more than he already has--the price of not having freedom.

Similarly, if we stay silent for fear of what he may do to us, he will do far more damage to us, our children and our country.
So, for all of us, it is time to wake up and take arms. Take arms by being concerned. Take arms by being aware. Take arms
by fighting back with objectivity--not speculation and slander. We have to arrest him/them. As a united force, they cannot
destroy us all. We have to reach to the point where we are willing to sacrifice what we have for the freedome we want. We
must be willing to fight for our country above the fear of reprisals from thugs. Let freedom be your only motive and challenge
thre wayward deeds of Mike and his bandits. Give no cause to what you may lose as we have our freedom to gain.

This, my people, is the price of our freedom now. For even though the British are present they cannot will for us we must will
for ourselves. Sever yourselves from the religious and political lackeys who seek to enslave you with fear and intimidation.

Stand up for freedom!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Something To Think About

The fact that the Commons Foreign Affairs Comittee (FAC), has recommended a comission of enquiry is only the first step in the long process of restoring civil order within the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). For a long time we have taken for granted the civil liberties that have afforded us a cavalier approach to life and government within TCI until we have begun to experience the oppression of the current administration.

It is factual that a significant number of us lived in fear of reprisals from Mike and his cohorts. The feeling of their oppression has cast a dark shadow over the souls and spirits of people living in the TCI. Simple liberties as expressing ones political views could mean serious political retaliation from high level government officials. In some cases it may not even be the direct expression of political critism but the mere fact that if any objection is made to the things the PNP party has done or allowed to transpire, it is seen as an attack on their party. This is meet with fierce resistance from the PNP leader, Mike, against the backdrop that people are bitter that the PDM lost and are attempting to smear his PNP party.

In reality Mike, most people really do not even care much about the PDM's lost as they care about the way you administered our country's affairs. To begin with, you associated yourself with people who had zero geo-political currency. Your sincere todler-like fascination with the American comics you aligned yourself with caused Washingnton's pundits to view you as idiotic. They did not even find endearing conversation with you useful as they personally invited the leader of the Opposition, Floyd Seymour, to Washington for the annual prayer breakfast and basically ignored you. By that time, your name had been called many times, but in unfavorable fashion, on Capitol Hill. You never sealed your fate as a geo-political minded individual, not only because you showed no interest, but also because you were not aware of the geo-politics that surrounded you--a kid groping in a man's world. To add to that, you were never respectfully recognized as an impressionable political leader by anything greater than your comical world affiliates. You failed to win the eye-sight of American-Caribbean interests.

You not only failed there Mike, you went a step further and caused them to reneg somewhat against us. You may think that by being hush hush about the allegations of rape made against you will spare you from indignation in America, but you are wrong. Sorry to tell you that the American media is not controlled like the Gazette, RTC and WIV and your name is marked in history as the man from TCI who "they say," raped a tourist. If it infuriates you hearing about it, then imagine how it makes us feel? At some point in time there has to be a solid reality check about the blood cost this country has incurred because of your personal waywardness. Currently, our potential friendship with America is psuedo-suspended because of the dangerous openings you have creatively extended to Columbians, Russians, and Cubans just to name a few--opening us up to terrorists--while you fashionably brag with your religious lacky about being a visionary. The American support for our economy--and our tourism--could collapse because of the immigration policies you instituted. We have failed to become better friends with America but we have embraced many rogue type states who are journalled as enemies to America. Way to go Mike! I can't even be mad at you because I realize that you just do not get the idea of geo-politics. This may come back to haunt you!

Even if you examine things on the macro-regional scale, how many political entities can you call on from the Bahamas to come to your aid? Perhaps you are unaware that the Bahamians do not respect you either nor will any serious Bahamian political entity endorse or honor you. In essence you have fallen before your appointed time. And, now you have fulfilled a legacy that the people before you have--at this point in our history--instituted. Therefore you have duly performed your rite of passage and taken us back to the sensational historic barrage of events that your successors have graced us with, Bops, Nornam, and now you. TCI will need time heal and recover but we must ensure that legislation is reinforced to block people like you and the other losers from accessing anything that even has a government stamp on it.

Your time is up Mike and many of us welcome your fall eagerly! Your legacy is that of Mugabe, a brute and an opressive tyrant. You hold no honor in the journals of political greats. Make haste and rid yourself of our presence!